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Table 2 Comparison of subjects who died in-hospital against those surviving to discharge

From: The association between pre-hospital antibiotic therapy and subsequent in-hospital mortality in adults presenting with community-acquired pneumonia: an observational study


Discharged from hospital

Died in-hospital


n = 5432

n = 916

Charlson Co-morbidity Index

4 (1–14)

14 (4–23)

P < 0.001



2761 (50.8%)

440 (48%)

P = 0.12


2671 (49.2%)

476 (52%)

Age (mean/SD years)

71 (16)

80 (11)

P < 0.001

History of MI n (%)

499 (9.2%)

137 (15.0%)

P < 0.001

History of CVA n (%)

248 (4.6%)

81 (8.8%)

P < 0.001

History of Congestive Cardiac Failure n (%)

733 (13.5%)

290 (31.7%)

P < 0.001

History of Dementia n (%)

581 (10.7%)

178 (19.4%)

P = < 0.001

History of Diabetes n(%)

1004 (18.5%)

161 (17.6%)

P = 0.51

History of Liver Disease n (%)

45 (0.8%)

9 (1.0%)

P = 0.64

History of Pulmonary Disease n (%)

2564 (47.2%)

405 (44.2%)

P = 0.09

History of Cancer n (%)

642 (11.8%)

166 (18.1%)

P < 0.001

History of Diabetes Mellitus with complications n (%)

58 (1.1%)

8 (0.9%)

P = 0.59

History of Paraplegia n (%)

95 (1.7%)

27 (2.9%)

P = 0.02

History of Renal Disease n (%)

740 (13.6%)

219 (23.1%)

P < 0.001

History of Metastatic Cancer n (%)

208 (3.8%)

75 (8.2%)

P < 0.001

History of Severe Liver Disease n (%)

18 (0.3%)

6 (0.7%)

P = 0.14

Admission CURB 65 score (n = 3993; 2355 cases not documented)

CURB 0: 538 (15.3%)

CURB 0: 9 (1.9%)

P < 0.001

CURB 1: 863 (24.6%)

CURB 1: 43 (8.9%)

CURB 2: 1127 (32.1%)

CURB 2: 142 (29.4%)

CURB 3: 799 (22.8%)

CURB 3: 193 (40%)

CURB 4: 163 (4.6%)

CURB 4: 81 (16.8%)

CURB 5: 20 (0.6%)

CURB 5: 15 (3.1%)