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Table 2 Clinical history of children living with and without HIV

From: Association of nasopharyngeal viruses and pathogenic bacteria in children and their parents with and without HIV


Children living with HIV (CLH)

HIV uninfected children (HUC)




Immune category, n (%)


12 (24)



22 (45)



15 (30)


Median CD4 count (IQR)

650 (392, 912)


On ART, n (%)

18 (36)


On TMP/SMX, n (%)

25 (51)


Median ART Duration (IQR), month

3 (2, 5)


HIV plasma load, median IQR

2.57E4 (3.54E3, 1.36E5)


Tuberculosis co-morbidity, n (%)

5 (10)


Ear infection history, n (%)

6/26 (23)

1/23 (4)

Past week sickness history, n (%)

14 (28)

10 (23)

Fever, n (%)

7 (14)

5 (11)

Cough, n (%)

7 (14)

6 (14)

Rhinorrhea, n (%)

2 (4)

5 (11)

Diarrhea, n (%)

1 (2)


Antibiotic intake during past week, n (%)

7 (14)

4 (9.3)