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Table 1 Socio-demographic, environmental, nutritional, and disease-related characteristics of 2–59 months old children. Adama, Ethiopia, 2021

From: Risk factors for childhood pneumonia at Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama, Ethiopia: a case-control study


Pneumonia status

Cases, n (%)

Controls, n (%)


 2–11 months

52 (44.1)

49 (41.2)

 12–35 months

33 (28.0)

32 (26.9)

 36–59 months

33 (28.0)

38 (31.9)



70 (59.3)

69 (58.0)


48 (40.7)

50 (42.0)

Birth order


26 (22.0)

22 (18.5)


48 (40.7)

46 (38.6)

 3rd and above

44 (37.3)

41 (34.4)

Family size

 < 5

12 (10.2)

43 (36.1)

 ≥ 5

106 (89.8)

76 (63.9)

Area of residence


56 (47.5)

82 (68.9)


62 (52.5)

37 (31.1)

Age of mother

 18–24 years

50 (42.4)

49 (41.2)

 25–34 years

40 (33.9)

43 (36.1)

 ≥ 35 years

28 (23.7)

27 (22.7)

Marital status of mother


113 (95.8)

111 (93.3)


5 (4.2)

8 (6.7)

Education status of mother

 No formal education

63 (53.4)

57 (47.9)


41 (34.7)

47 (39.5)

 Secondary and above

14 (11.9)

15 (12.6)

Education status of father

 No formal education

64 (54.2)

28 (23.5)


15 (12.7)

16 (13.4)

 Secondary and above

39 (33.1)

75 (63.0)

Mother’s occupation


88 (74.6)

80 (67.2)

 Civil servant

16 (13.6)

19 (16.0)


10 (6.8)

13 (10.9)


4 (5.1)

7 (5.9)

Father’s occupation


46 (39.0)

40 (33.6)

 Civil servant

26 (22.0)

32 (26.9)


14 (11.9)

18 (15.1)

 Daily laborer

24 (20.3)

20 (16.8)


8 (6.8)

9 (7.6)

Household monthly income

 < 2500 birr

45 (38.1)

55 (46.2)

 2500–5000 birr

66 (55.9)

39 (32.8)

 > 5000 birr

7 (5.9)

25 (21.0)

Mainly used room for cooking

 Separate kitchen

69 (58.5)

91 (76.5)

 Living room

49 (41.5)

28 (23.5)

Child stay during cooking

 Inside cooking room

26 (22.0)

24 (22.0)

 Outside cooking room

92 (78.0)

95 (78.0)

Presence of window


65 (55.1)

79 (66.4)


53 (44.9)

40 (33.6)

Source of water


 Pipe water

115 (97.5)

114 (95.8)


3 (2.5)

5 (4.2)

Hand washing before child feeding

 Only water

39 (33.1)

34 (28.6)

 Water and soap

79 (66.9)

85 (71.4)

Cigarette smoking in the house


13 (11.0)

18 (15.1)


105 (89.0)

101 (84.9)

Mostly used fuel for cooking


17 (14.4)

34 (28.6)

 Stove or gasoil

37 (31.4)

48 (40.3)


34 (28.8)

24 (20.2)

 Wood or dung

30 (25.4)

13 (10.9)

Domestic animals in the house


26 (22.0)

22 (18.5)


92 (78.0)

97 (81.5)

Breast feeding up to 6 months


94 (79.7)

108 (90.8)


24 (20.3)

11 (9.2)

Current breast-feeding status


69 (58.5)

65 (54.6)


49 (41.5)

54 (45.4)

Age when complementary feeding started

 Before 6 months

24 (20.3)

11 (9.2)

 After 6 months

75 (63.6)

85 (71.4)

 Not started

19 (16.1)

23 (19.3

Zinc supplementation


20 (16.9)

22 (18.5)


98 (83.1)

97 (81.5)



52 (44.1)

14 (11.8)


66 (55.9)

105 (88.2)

Vaccination status


87 (73.7)

104 (87.4)


31 (26.3)

15 (12.6)

HIV status


108 (91.5)

56 (47.1)


10 (8.5)

0 (0.0)

 Not determined

0 (0.0)

63 (52.9)



1 (0.8)

0 (0.0)


117 (99.2)

119 (100.0)

Diarrhea in the past 2 weeks


54 (45.8)

27 (22.7)


64 (54.2)

92 (77.3)

URTI in the past 2 weeks


99 (83.9)

70 (58.8)


19 (16.1)

49 (41.2)

Pneumonia in the family in the past 2 weeks


2 (1.7)

0 (0.0)


116 (98.3)

119 (100.0)

History of measles illness


2 (1.7)

1 (0.8)


116 (98.3)

118 (99.2)

History of Parental Asthma


6 (5.1)

5 (4.2)


112 (94.9)

114 (95.8)