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Table 1 Summary of randomized controlled trials and observational studies investigating pneumococcal conjugate vaccine efficacy or effectiveness against coronaviruses

From: Effects of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on reducing the risk of respiratory disease associated with coronavirus infection



Study population


Vaccine efficacy or effectiveness

% (95% CI), P valuea

Randomized controlled trials

 Nunes 2021 [6]


HIV-uninfected children aged < 2y in South Africa

HCoV-associated pneumonia (any)

64.0 (22.9–83.2), P = 0.006

HCoV-associated pneumonia (single viral infection)

50.0 (-66.0–84.9), P = 0.25

HCoV-OC43-associated pneumonia

90.9 (29.5–98.8), P = 0.004

HCoV-HKU1-associated pneumonia

87.5 (0.1–98.4), P = 0.020

HCoV-NL63-associated pneumonia

-33.3 (-248.1–53.7), P = 0.59

 Huijts 2018 [7]


Adults ≥ 65y in The Netherlands

HCoV-associated confirmed CAP

23.6 (99.3%CI -54.3–62.2), P = 0.302

HCoV-associated suspected pneumonia

30.6 (99.3%CI -14.0–57.8), P = 0.047

Observational studies

 Lewnard 2022 [4]


Adults ≥ 18y in the US

Any virus detectedc

HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumoniad

27.4 (4.5–44.7)

HCoV-associated LRTI (non-pneumonia)

51.4 (6.0–74.9)

HCoV-associated pneumonia

23.5 (-4.1–43.8)

Hospitalized HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumonia

19.9 (-13.1–43.2)

Non-hospitalized HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumonia

38.7 (2.6–61.4)

Single virus detected

HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumonia

31.5 (5.9–50.1)

HCoV-associated LRTI (non-pneumonia)

55.3 (-12.9–82.3)

HCoV-associated pneumonia

32.7 (4.8–52.5)

Hospitalized HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumonia

32.5 (-1.2–55.0)

Non-hospitalized HCoV-associated LRTI or pneumonia

40.8 (-2.7–65.9)

 Lewnard 2021 [8]


Adults ≥ 65y in the US

COVID-19 diagnosis

35 (28–72)b

COVID-19 hospitalization

32 (17–43)b

Fatal COVID-19 hospitalization

32 (5–51)b

  1. PCV Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, HCoV Endemic human coronavirus, CAP Community-acquired pneumonia, LRTI Lower respiratory tract infection, COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019
  2. aP values were only reported for randomized controlled trials
  3. bVaccine effectiveness calculated as 1 – adjusted hazard ratio × 100%
  4. cThe following viruses were tested for: influenza A and B viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, HCoVs (including the 229E, HKU1, NL63, and OC43 subtypes), parainfluenza viruses (types 1–4), adenoviruses, human metapneumovirus, and enteroviruses (including rhinoviruses)
  5. dLRTI and pneumonia cases were defined according to codes from the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification