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Table 3 Comparison of CS and WW groups with respect to the changes of pulmonary function

From: The effectiveness of glucocorticoid treatment in post-COVID-19 pulmonary involvement


CS group (N = 131)

WW group (N=894a)

Mean difference


(mean ± SD)

(mean ± SD)

(MD ± SD)

ΔVC [ml]

403.7 ± 510.05

95.1 ± 353.23

308.59 ± 46.10


ΔVC [%predicted]

10.3 ± 13.33

2.7 ± 9.94

7.62 ± 1.21


ΔFEV1/VC [%]

-0.9 ± 5.23

-0.7 ± 4.71

-0.19 ± 0.48


ΔTLC [ml]

649.8 ± 756.45

92.7 ± 758.67

557.13 ± 70.79


ΔTLC [%predicted]

9.9 ± 12.16

1.3 ± 12.84

8.68 ± 1.15


ΔRV [ml]

204.7 ± 700.12

22.2 ± 611.47

182.51 ± 64.50


ΔRV [%predicted]

8.4 ± 29.19

0.2 ± 29.61

8.19 ± 2.74


ΔDLCOc [%predicted)

10.2 ± 12.55

2.8 ± 12.82

7.39 ± 1.18


ΔKCOc [%predicted]

4.4 ± 11.85

1.5 ± 10.01

2.92 ± 1.09


  1. aPatients with available follow-up data; bMann-Whitney U test